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Uganda Virus Research Institute



Department of Entomology and Vector Biology

The Department of Entomology and Vector Biology performs arthropod research for effective vector and disease management and control. Its activities focus on the study of various arboviral vectors especially yellow fever, dengue, chikungunya and other vectors important in East Africa. Studies of other vectors of public health importance such as malaria vectors are also being undertaken. The Division is involved in capacity building and providing advice to the Government of Uganda on vector control.
The department  focuses on the;
•    Study  of various insect vectors in the transmission of arbovirus infections, and
•    Study of other arthropods connected with other diseases of public health importance such as malaria vectors
•    Capacity Building and Policy advice to government

General Goal:

To define the natural history of mosquito vector populations, which allows development of sound control strategies leading to the reduction of prevention of diseases in a defined geographical area.

Activities include:

  • Incrimination of vectors
  • Characterization of genetic variations
  • Measurement of vector population dynamics, density and behavior
  • Determination of vector capacity, vector competence and disease transmission dynamics
  • Identification and assessment of natural predators and pathogens of vectors
  • Understanding of vector ecology in relation to human activities
  • Evaluation of vector control methods

And development of new methods for basic vector biology field studies and control