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Uganda Virus Research Institute




Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence (THRiVE) at UVRI


The UVRI Bioinformatics Core laboratories  have for the last 10 years received support from THRIVE-1 Wellcome Trust (2009-2015 ) grant and THRIVE-2 (2016-2021). The laboratories are used by partners and  PhD students attached to UVRI and visiting scientists to conduct experiments that require Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

Training Health Researchers into Vocational Excellence (THRiVE-2) project is a 5-year project implemented by a consortium made of Universities and Research Institutions funded by the DELTAS (welcome trust and UK Aid). The main goal of THRiVE-2 is to enhance the transformation of the East African Universities into world-class research hubs by spearheading the transition of PhD and post-doctoral fellows into health research leaders.

At the Uganda Virus Research Institute, THRiVE -2 (2016-2021) builds on achievements and investments done during THRiVE -1 established in 2009 with the underlying 10-year vision of developing a regional network of research excellence, that includes some of the best universities and research institutes in East Africa (EA) with support from two leading UK universities. THRiVE-2 is a collaboration between six East African institutes (two universities, one college, and three research institutes) and two universities in the UK. The Vision of THRIVE is that by 2030, Africa will lead research that has a major impact on health in the region and make significant contributions to world health.

THRiVE has greatly invested in the laboratory and It Infrastructure and the first UVRI website (THRiVE-1) and great support for internet connectivity and Core Laboratories open to all projects and programs at UVRI. The core Laboratories are also open for attachments and use by partners, PhDs and MSc students from all universities and research institutions in THRiVE -2 and the region on formal request.

THRIVE-2 Objectives are to:-

  1. Strengthen regional network of excellence to catalyze development of East African Universities into research hubs
  2. Develop internationally recognized research leaders in three thematic areas (infectious diseases/neglected tropical diseases, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) and maternal/neonatal reproductive health)
  • Facilitate use of research findings and innovations to inform policy and practice

The strategy in THRiVE-2 is to significantly and rapidly enhance the transformation of East African universities into world class research hubs, by spearheading the transition of PhD and post-doctoral fellows into health research leaders. We aim to continue strengthening the THRiVE-1 network and harness synergies to groom and mentor the most promising young scientists trained in THRIVE-1 and others selected in THRIVE-2 to become independent, internationally-recognized research leaders doing excellent research that addresses EA’s priority health problems. We will continue to support the uptake of research findings and innovations into policy and practice.

THRIVE-2 Partners.

  • College of Health Sciences, Makerere University (CHS-Mak), Kampala Uganda.
  • Faculty of Medicine, Gulu University, Gulu, Uganda
  • Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College (KCMU Co, Moshi, Tanzania)
  • Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), Entebbe, Uganda
  • National Institute for Medical Research (NIMR), Mwanza, Tanzania
  • International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe), Nairobi, Kenya
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM), London, UK
  • University of Cambridge, Department of Pathology, Cambridge, UK

At UVRI THRIVE-2 has supported graduate and MSc Fellow mentorship and funded short term training for about 200 participants in courses such as  research management training (60),  mentorship in scientific writing and publishing (60); basic skills in writing and formatting documents (30) and effective communication, Science, and the media training (30). See training slides in the training section of this website.

Lab technologist performing a PCR amplification in the Core Lab

Picture caption: Lab technologist performing a PCR amplification in the Core Lab

Download the THRiVE-2 2019 Publications 

THRIVE-2 Publications 2019.pdf

 THRIVE-2 Publications 2019.pdf

Please visit http://thrive.or.ug/ to learn more about the THRiVE Consortium in East Africa.