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Uganda Virus Research Institute


All 1,032 samples tested for COVID-19 at Uganda Virus Research Institute on 15th April 2020 were Negative.

All 1,032 samples tested for COVID-19 at Uganda Virus Research Institute on 15th April 2020 were Negative.

Out of the samples tested, 551 samples were from truck drivers at border points of entry while 481 samples were from individuals under institutional quarantine and contacts to confirmed cases in the country.

The total number of cases of COVID-19 in Uganda is 55.

According to the Ministry of Health press release four (4) patients from Mulago National Specialised hospital were discharged after testing negative twice for COVID-19. The total number of patients who have been discharged is now twelve (12)

The Director General of Health Services Dr Henry Mwebesa says a cumulative of 1,361 contacts to confirmed cases have been listed to date.

Of these 1,063 have completed the mandatory 14 day follow up period and will be dropped. 298 contacts are still being followed up by the surveillance teams.

A total of 181 individuals are institutional quarantine.

Uganda has not registered any COVID-19 related death.