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Uganda Virus Research Institute


MSc Fellowship Opportunity through the GIISER project

Applications are invited from suitably qualified Ugandans who would like to compete for an MSc fellowship opportunity through the GIISER project within the Viral Pathogens Theme. The GIISER project is Global Immunology and Immune Sequencing for Epidemic Response, funded by the Bill and Gates Foundation and coordinated by the MRC/UVRI and LSHTM Uganda Research Unit. GIISER is a multisite protocol that uses new and existing surveillance and epidemic cohorts to connect local pathogen genomic surveillance to improve local immunological assessments and antibody discovery. It aims to strengthen in-country capacity for viral immune monitoring in low and middle-income countries and build global networks to link local sequencing with local immunology and pathogen detection tools to improve epidemic preparedness, starting with COVID-19.

The successful MSc Fellow will contribute to the understanding of local epidemics, inform prevention, vaccination, and therapeutic strategies, generate vaccine candidates, and isolate monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for immune-therapeutics and detection while tracking immune escape from natural- and vaccine-induced immune recognition. The scope of work includes pathogen genomics sequencing and bioinformatics for viral evolution; virus-specific serology, including antibody binding, virus neutralization, non-neutralising functions, epitope mapping, and structural assessments to inform product development for addressing epidemics; T cell responses using ELISpot, flow cytometry, and Luminex; and transcriptomics and bioinformatic analyses.

Desired background competencies include:

  1.  A good understanding of basic immunology principles;
  2.  Polyclonal antibody assessments, including serology, polyclonal binding and neutralisation assessments and generation of Pseudoviruses
  3.  Local monoclonal antibody discovery, including single-cell sequencing and bioinformatics
  4.  In-vitro studies using primary immune cells to identify T cell responses
  5.  Generating and testing engineered viruses and antibody clones.

Applicants should ensure that their prior training and experience are relevant to the scope of this training opportunity. Support will be given to one eligible MSc candidate for one year to complete their research project. The support will include tuition, research costs, and stipends according to the unit’s stipend scales.

Requirements for the MSc Fellowship

  • At least a second-class honours undergraduate degree in a biological sciences or related subject;
  • An MSc admission at Makerere University to an immunology or bioinformatics-related course and expecting to complete the first year of studies by August 2024.
  • Promising new students starting afresh in the coming 2024 first semester may also be considered for a no-cost initial one-year mentorship attachment until they progress to the second year, when they will be fully funded In addition, the applicant:
  • Must be a citizen of Uganda, evidenced by a national ID;
  • Have experience in conducting immunology research involving pathogen genomic surveillance, immunological assessments, and antibody discovery with a combined background experience in both immunology and associated bioinformatics;
  • Have working experience (six months or more) in conducting health-related basic science research. Application Procedure
  • A one-page cover letter indicating current and future research interests and an expected start date.
  • A brief summary of your previous research experience (one page maximum)
  • Curriculum vitae (highlighting your skills and relevant experience), including names, email addresses and telephone contact details of three (3) referees;
  • Scanned copies of your professional and academic transcripts
  • A confidential letter of support from your academic lead, head of program, or section head, addressed to the Chairperson, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Training Committee, to be submitted separately to training@mrcuganda.org. The confidential letter should be submitted by the academic lead or head of the program or section.

How to Apply:

Applications should be addressed to the Chairperson, MRC/UVRI, and LSHTM Training Committee and submitted by email to training@mrcuganda.org. Combine all application documentation into one PDF document. Please specify “MSc Fellowship GIISER_2023-03” in the subject line of the email. Female candidates are encouraged to apply. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted. Consider your application unsuccessful if you are not contacted within eight (8) weeks after the closing date of the advertisement. The closing date for receiving applications is December 23, 2023.