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Uganda Virus Research Institute


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COVID-19 daily update 10-05-2020

Five (5) new COVID-19 cases confirmed from 1,498 samples of truck drivers. This brings the total number of COVID-19 cases to 121 in Uganda. The new cases are: 2 Ugandan and 3 Kenyan truck drivers who arrived via Elegu and Malaba Points of Entry. All 341 community samples tested negative for COVID-19. Total samples tested today at UVRI was 1,839.

COVID-19 daily update 09-05-2020

Two (2) new COVID-19 cases confirmed from 1,913 samples of truck drivers. The new cases are: 40-year-old Kenyan and 30-year-old Uganda truck drivers who arrived via Malaba and Mirama Hills point of entry respectively. Efforts to track them are underway. All 652 community samples have tested negative for COVID-19. Total COVID-19 confirmed cases are 116. Total samples tested today: 2,565.

COVID-19 daily update 08-05-2020

Results of samples tested on 8 May, 2020 confirmed 13 new COVID-19 cases from 2,421 samples of truck drivers. Out of the 13 new cases,7 are Kenyans, 4 are Ugandans while 2 are Tanzanians. Tracking them has commenced and the public will be informed accordingly. All 740 community samples tested negative for COVID-19. Total COVID-19 confirmed cases in Uganda are 114.

COVID-19 daily update 05-05-2020

Eight (8) new COVID-19 cases were confirmed today the. 6 out of 2,061 samples of truck drivers while 2 cases are from the community confirmed from the Rapid Assessment Survey. 5 truck drivers arrived via Malaba border post while 1 arrived via Mutukula point of entry. Also, there was 1 community case, a resident of Kyotera District while the other is a Ugandan truck driver from Mutukula.

COVID-19 daily update 05-05-2020

Eight (8) new COVID-19 cases were confirmed today the. 6 out of 2,061 samples of truck drivers while 2 cases are from the community confirmed from the Rapid Assessment Survey. 5 truck drivers arrived via Malaba border post while 1 arrived via Mutukula point of entry. Also, there was 1 community case, a resident of Kyotera District while the other is a Ugandan truck driver from Mutukula.

COVID-19 daily update 03-05-2020

One (1) new COVID-19 case confirmed out of 2,729 samples of truck drivers tested: 39-year-old Kenyan male truck driver who arrived via Malaba. Efforts to track him are underway. 201 samples from community all tested negative for COVID-19. Total COVID-19 confirmed cases is now at 89. Total samples tested on 03/05/2020 is 2,930.
